Léa Sanz
May – September, 2022
Léa Sanz is a development and social innovation professional from France. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Development from Sciences Po Paris and took part in a one-year international exchange program at the University of Washington in Seattle, United States of America.
Prior to joining EcoCare Ghana as a Junior European Aid Volunteer, she worked in France as Project officer with several NGOs. At EcoCare Ghana, Léa works to support the development of sensitization campaigns on biodiversity conservation, Landscape Restoration projects and community engagement.’

Elvire Mathieu
May – September, 2022
Elvire Mathieu, an Agronomist and Environmental Science Expert from France. She holds a Masters Degree in Agricultural, Food and Environment Sciences engineering from ISARA, Lyon and Bachelors Degree in Life and Enviroment Sciences from Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France.
Prior to working with EcoCare Ghana as a Senior EU Aid Volunteer, she worked as a Territorial Brand Development Manager with Vaud Promotion in Switzerland.
At EcoCare Ghana, she works to support the projects management team with research on Value Chain Creation, Agro-Business Innovations and Sustainable Forestry Management.

Sara Lorenzini
August – December, 2022
Sara Lorenzini is PhD student at the University of Milan, activist and co-founder of the Diciassette Student Group. She studies Common Goods’ Governance in the perspective of Socio-environmental Justice, with a particular focus on forest governance. Sara has extensive experience in forest governance through her work with Unión de Afectadas/os por Operaciones Petroleras de Texaco (UDAPT) in Lago Agrio, a town in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
As a Senior European Aid Volunteer for the Climate Generation and Forest Project, she will be supporting research as part of EcoCare Ghana’s Landscape Restoration Projects and facilitate the implementation of the Climate Generation Project.

Valentino Attanasio
August – December, 2022
Valentino Attanasio is an energy engineer from Sicily, Italy. He holds a Master’s Degree in Energy Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin. He has over five years experience working as a Technical Designer in Turin, and as Assistant Project Manager in Tanger, Morocco.
Before Joining EcoCare Ghana through the European Aid Volunteer programme, he worked as Logistician on Lampedusa Island for Immigration Emergency, and as an eco-volunteer in Colombia. At EcoCare Ghana, he works to support coordination and partnership for Forests and Climate Generations project

Noah Mengoumou
August – December, 2022
Noah Mengoumou is an 18 years old volunteer from France. He was born and raised in Paris to a Cameroonian family. He graduated from Lycee Montesquieu in the city of Le Plessis-Robinson with majors in Physics and Biology.
He currently serves as a France Volontaire with EcoCare Ghana as part of the European Union Aid Volunteer Program.
At EcoCare Ghana, he will be supporting the implementation of the Climate Generation Program and EcoCare Ghana’s work on Cocoa and Forests. He hopes to study Medical Biology after his work in Ghana.
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