
The Talking Drum


As Ghana gets closer to issuing FLEGT licenses, it has been established that there is the need for strong and clear precursory information to the trade destinations, particularly the European Union, to be aware of the products that will be delivered and the national overarching system behind the issuance of FLEGT licenses.

This is a major lesson drawn from the launch of FLEGT License in Indonesia. It is crucial that the added value and processes leading to the issuance of a license is strategically communicated to the consumer in Europe and elsewhere. It is therefore important to consider the messages that should be delivered and the engagement that should take place before, during and after the launch.

This project therefore addresses the need for effective information sharing on Ghana’s FLEGT-VPA, which is a priority area for Ghana as the country gets closer to issuing FLEGT licenses. Over the past few months, the European Forest Institute (EFI) and FAO have supported trainings aimed at developing the capacity of key stakeholder to facilitate the implementation of Ghana’s FLEGT-VPA through coordinated messaging and information sharing.

This project will continue and build on this foundation to fully operationalize key messages being developed to communicate the added value of Ghana’s FLEGT-VPA.

This work will also build on the communication strategy proposed by the Global Timber Forum (with support from FAO) which has highlighted potential areas and key messages that Ghanaian stakeholders and different audiences in Ghana, Europe and other trade destinations would be focusing their attention once FLEGT licenses will be issued.

The FAO EU FLEGT Programme promotes the implementation of the FLEGT Action Plan by improving forest governance, providing technical assistance, and building capacity through funding projects in eligible countries. In pursuit of these objectives, the FAO EU FLEGT Programme has agreed to support the project entitled “Atumpan” – The talking Drum.

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The overall objective of the project is, “to effectively communicate Ghana’s FLEGT-VPA processes, milestones and outcomes towards EU market actors and other stakeholders, in preparation towards FLEGT licensing”.


Outcome 1: CSO stakeholders have clearly defined FLEGT-VPA messages and are able to effectively communicate them.

Activity 1.1: Convene three meetings with other CSOs to define roles and responsibilities of EcoCare in the development of key messages for information sharing
Activity 1.2: Develop capacity of selected spokespersons (technical personnel) from CSOs, government and private sector to effectively deliver agreed FLEGT-VPA messages

Outcome 2: Targeted audiences have a better understanding of Ghana’s FLEGT VPA process and implications.

Activity 2.1: Develop case-studies and stories (video, audio and written) to effectively communicate the impacts of FLEGT VPA at the community level 
Activity 2.2: Provide web content to existing knowledge sharing platforms
Activity 2.3:    Support Ghana’s
participation into a policy tour of Europe to meet policy makers, EU competent authorities and trade federations
Activity 2.4:  Support the dissemination of the agreed key messages through local radio and television programmes

Outcome 3:  Monitoring, evaluation and visibility framework developed

Activity 3.1: Organize project inception activities, including the project launch
Activity 3.2: Evaluate efficacy of all workshops, seminars, trainings and information events
Activity 3.3: Organize two project steering committee meetings
Activity 3.4: Organize a project close-out workshop to share lessons from project