Our Projects
Community-led Restoration Project (CRP)
Agriculture-led deforestation is a major contributor to climate change and biodiversity loss in Ghana. The Transition Landscape of Ghana (which falls between the High Forest and the Savannah Landscapes) has seen massive degradation …
Atumpan: The Talking Drum
Agriculture-led deforestation is a major contributor to climate change and biodiversity loss in Ghana. The Transition Landscape of Ghana (which falls between the High Forest and the Savannah Landscapes) has seen massive degradation …
Monitoring CFI Commitments through Participatory Approaches (MoCCPA) Project
The governments of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire together with over thirty (30) cocoa and chocolate companies have committed to work together to end deforestation and promote forest protection and restoration in the cocoa supply chain. …
International Conference
on Cocoa Pricing and Sustainability.
EcoCare Ghana in collaboration with ClientEarth, TaylorCrabbe Initiative, Fern and Ghana Civil Society Cocoa Platform (GCCP) is honoured to invite you us online (zoom) for an International Conference on Cocoa Pricing and Sustainability.
When: Nov 10 -11 , 2020 Time: 10:00 AM- GMT
The conference is aimed at clarifying the applicable regulatory frameworks governing cocoa production and trade, and bringing relevant stakeholders together to discuss workable strategies and roadmaps to address pricing challenges in the cocoa sector; with emphasis on guaranteeing sustainable cocoa production.
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